MAF is present in Europe through its subsidiary EUROMAF SA created in 2000 and fully owned by MAF.

Belgium and Luxembourg

Established in 2002, the Brussel branch of EUROMAF offers both yearly based and project specific professional liability policies to architects and engineers in Belgium and Luxembourg. In keeping with the spirit of MAF our belgian team provides assistance in the drafting of contracts, manages claims in close cooperation with specialized lawyers and experts and also organizes workshops to prevent issues and claims.


Germany and Austria

EUROMAF offers broad professional liability protection for architects and engineers in Germany and Austria  via AIA AG, a broker company based in Düsseldorf and fully owned by MAF since 2002. Created in 1976, AIA AG is a proven specialist in liability insurance for design professionals.
Partnering with the austrian brokerage firm VMK, AIA AG also offers insurance coverage for architects and engineers in Austria as well.



EUROMAF offers compulsory ten year construction warranty (seguro decenal) to builders and developers in Spain through insurance agent Euroasemas.



MAF is also a founding member of the GEAAC, the European Group for Insurance for Architects and Designers. Created in 1992, this organisation brings together the sector’s insurance providers and cooperatives for the defense of professional interests at the European level.
In 2016, the GEAAC provided an online insurance solution that allows members to offer adapted coverage to policyholders working in other member countries. This project was aimed to facilitate freedom to provid services within the European Union.